We wondered what kind of media coverage of the exciting Louisville 2013 news was out there, coming from non cycling news sources.... Here's a brief roundup:
USA Today's Sal Ruibal, who faithfully carries the cycling torch at the Nation's largest newspaper wrote
this article... Tho we are pretty certain it didnt appear in the printed paper... Only online.
The Boston Herald ran
this article. It did appear in print.
Of course it was news ( front page ) in Louisville and their home town paper....
HereAnd then the oft read ( !? ) "Inside the Game" website ran
this article.
Oh sure, there were other blurbs, quotes and mentions of it at other sources but a search of those articles 4 days later surprisingly digs up little evidence of them.
Oh well, there is little doubt that Cross in this country will grow all the way up to 2013...